Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Movie Review: I Am Legend in the IMAX

Another one of the tickets I won was to see I Am Legend at the IMAX theater. When the movie was released back in Dec. I was slightly neutral about whether or not I wanted to see it, but when you get free tickets why not? The big plus for this movie is that Will Smith was the main character, and in fact the only human in many of the scenes. The premise behind the movie makes you think, but I didn't realize how violent it would be. The whole idea is that you are the last human on Earth when you discover that in fact you are not really the last one. It was amazing to see the scenes of a completely baren NYC. The scientific ideas in it were interesting as well. While this movie was on a special showing at the IMAX, it was not in 3D, which was probably a good thing. I normally enjoy a scary movie, but I wasn't thrilled by this one. I must be going soft! It was just too violent scary.

Theater Review: Cabaret

Note: I posted the previous post using Word and the pictures didn't work, so if you don't see any know I am working on it and if you do, then good!

Now on to the review… I have had a streak of good luck in the past two weeks winning tickets to both the theater and to the movies. Thanks to the TicketClub that is through the local newspaper, The Sacramento Bee, I got to enjoy some really great shows. First the theater; where I saw a production of the Broadway musical Cabaret. It was held at The 24th Street Theater here in Sacramento and they did a lovely job. The theater is a small community theater that is located right in the middle of a cute neighborhood, obviously off of 24th Street. The cast did a fine job, especially the lead characters of the Master of Ceremonies/Emcee, Clifford Bradshaw, and Sally Bowles. The other "smaller" roles did well also, however there were a few numbers that I noticed one or two cast members looking fairly lost. The tickets I was given were front row so I had a perfect view. It is one of those musicals that even though it is kind of racy in subject matter; it looks like it would be lots of fun to be in. The setting is a "burlesque" club in 1930's Berlin as the Nazi party is coming to power. It really has a lot to offer in the form of entertainment, fun, love, political issues. I am so glad I won these tickets.

Snow, Skiing, and Sickness!?

Well I have been putting off writing a new post for the simple reason of feeling somewhat uninspired. I do however have a lot to catch you up with. I will begin with back in Feb. when I took a trip to Tahoe with some fam. and had a marvelous time. The pictures I have posted are just some scenery shots that I managed to get out in between bouts of nausea. Yes, I spent most of the weekend sick and in bed, but the parts that I was able to stomach were great. I managed to make it skiing the first day that I was there which was an adventure. Being my first time I took a little lesson in the morning and then was able to hit the slopes by myself later that afternoon. Of course when I say "hit the slopes" feel free to take that with a literal translation because most of my trip down the mountain was sliding down on my back (Luckily there are no pictures to record that sight)!! I did well in the lesson but after lunch I lost some of my confidence and found myself making crash stops a few times. It was all in the name of fun though and I would go back in a heartbeat. The second day however was not so much fun. That is when I woke up sick and, not to sound gross, needing to stay near the bathroom. The day we came home I woke feeling better but as the day progressed and we started to make our descent down the mountain the previous days nausea came rushing back. That is the day that I managed to take pictures, but I am not very thrilled with most of them. I discovered first hand how difficult it is to capture the nice pristine snowy images that are everywhere, with this being the first time in my life to every actually experience snow. Check out the one with the car that is buried in snow. I found it fairly amusing!


This is the Truckee River I believe, don't hold me to that though.

This one is actually Donner Lake, which is where the infamous Donner party was stranded. I'm not going through the history lesson again.

I took a picture similar to this on my trip to Tahoe in the fall just without the snow of course. It was the same pier on Lake Tahoe and everything though.

Here's the car! The snow was gross and dirty but I couldn't resist taking this picture. Wouldn't you hate to know that was your car?!

As usual I posted more pictures on my Flickr page.