Thursday, January 31, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away!

Apparently Sacramento isn't so wonderful in winter. It has been raining, and raining, and raining here! I have been told this is how it is every year at this time. To understand, a little geography lesson is in order. So, Sacramento is located at the foothills of the Sierra Mountain Range. Which means when it is snowing in the Sierra's it is usually raining in the foothills. A good thing for all the ski resorts located in Tahoe and various places, but a little bit of a downer when you are in Sac. The few moments that the sun has managed to peek through everyone is outside and taking it all in. I did enjoy the occasional thunderstorm, but this isn't even that, it's just RAIN! Oh well, I guess I'll have to get some rain gear and get used to it.

Other news: My job is going great! It got off to a very slow start, just learning the basics of what I am to be doing, but now I am really getting into it and enjoying it. I hope to be able to get more hours now that I have gone through the basic training.

Since I am not taking classes this quarter, the days that I don't work have been pretty boring. I am usually spending my time thinking of all the crafts and etc. that I could tackle, but most of it doesn't get done! The nice thing about the quarter system, I am finding out, is that there isn't too much time missed if you don't go a quarter. I can't wait until classes start in April though, and I can have more to do. UCDavis has a neat recreation program, so I think I am going to take a knitting class for a couple of days, to help pass some of my time for now. I had a hard time deciding which one of their classes I wanted to take, but ultimately it came down to which one was on my list and was most affordable. Easy Knit Hats won so I'll have to show my progress once I get started.

Get Well Soon!

Many of you whom read this may have received my email regarding prayer requests for my close friend and former roommate, Lindsey. I am posting here for any others that may read and believe in the power of prayer. My friend was admitted yesterday to a hospital in San Antonio, TX with viral meningitis. While the viral form is not nearly as severe and threatening as the bacterial form, I say if you have to be admitted to the hospital, it is a BIG DEAL! She is in good spirits, just tired and achy, which is part of this sickness. No word yet when she will be released, just being held for observations now. Against her wishes I am making a big deal over this because no matter how big or small a problem may be it is never to big/small for a prayer! Please take the time to say a quick prayer for her quick recovery. Thanks to everyone and Get Well Soon, Linds!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hello New Year!

Yahoo! Avatars

Ringing in the new year always makes me feel good. No matter how well I did with the previous resolution I always feel like the slate has been cleaned and this will be "the year", whatever that may bring.

This year I spent a very quite New Year's Eve at home. While I admit it was a little lonely being by myself, I took full advantage of having the entire evening to pamper myself and bring in the new year in style. I cooked a nice dinner, took a long bubble bath, did my nails and then curled up with a movie. I babysat that morning so I was actually pretty exhausted and barely even made it to the midnight hour.

My plans of continuing the pampering the next day were sorely interrupted, when we showed up at the pedicure place, that told us they would be open, and no one was to be found. Oh well, I guess I'll have to drag myself back and have my pedicure at another time!

This year my resolution is to take better care of my teeth. Not that I have bad dental hygiene, but I don't always follow the floss-rinse-brush cycle very well. So I have bought all new supplies and am on a mission. I am even making a special purse size kit so no matter where I am I don't really have an excuse. We'll see!

BTW, if anyone noticed my avatar change on my Christmas Cheer post, apparently it changes everytime I make a change. Bummer, I kinda like that picture!