Saturday, November 24, 2007

Giving Thanks

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving everyone! I wish I could have been in Texas for the occasion but I did spend a nice day with the little bit of family and friends that are out here. We started the day with good intentions to walk in the Run to Feed the Hungry charity event to support the local food banks. However, we didn't quite make it due to the amount of food that we were preparing for the hungry walkers/runners to stop by after the event. We served brunch at my cousins house for those that wanted to stop by and share part of their day before heading other places. The walk is a pretty big deal here in Sac., I think they said there were 20,000+ people that participated this year. There is a 5K and 10K course that you may run or walk and it goes for a great cause to help those that may not have food and family to spend Thanksgiving with. My cousin had 20+ people over afterward which made for a nice mid-afternoon. We then went over to my cousins husbands moms house (did you get that?) for a traditional Thanksgiving feast of turkey and stuffing/dressing and sweet potatoes, etc. I am so grateful that they included me in with their crowd. We had a nice evening there with lots of good food. I laughed with Amanda that she and I are the only ones that don't worry about gaining weight at this time because we don't eat that much, but this year I did make a little bit larger plate than normal! Cari made Granny's dressing so I had some of home with me and Stu fried a turkey which turned out really awesome! With so much to be thankful for I didn't have much time to miss being 2,000 miles from home!

In other news our heater gave out yesterday just in time for the colder weather to roll in! I am thankful it isn't any colder than it is but it still is quite chilly without the main heater going. We are surviving though with space heaters and layers until the handy man can come Mon. to take a look. I have all my blankets wrapped around me in the mean time! :)

1 comment:

Jill said...

We stayed in Austin so we missed out on seeing all the Texas and Arizona family!! Can't wait to see you Christmas!