Sunday, November 18, 2007

Going Green

Today we had an interesting sermon at church titled "Brief Statement of Faith - Green Theology." It was from the book of Genesis 2:4-15 and basically gave a new perspective on the Green Movement that is going on around the world. The general idea was that God gave us this garden (the earth) that we are to tend and take care of. He made us stewards of what He has provided. It was really an inspiring sermon and afterwards they passed out new flourescent light bulbs for all the congregation to go and put into action these words. It is a message that I'm sure many have heard over and over again, but sometimes hearing it at church stirs up a new commitment, so I am glad to hear it put this way. I have been aware of the Green Movement for awhile now and try my best to incorporate the "green" lifestyle as I can. Every little bit helps!

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