I heart the Christmas season! Especially all the fun parties and decorations. Last night I attended a Magical Christmas Sweater Party that one of my friends hosted and we had a great time! Everyone was to bring out the most festive Christmas sweater and accessories they could come up with. I decided to craft my own sweater at the last minute (about 2hrs before the party) and then ended up winning the Ugliest Sweater Contest! Just goes to show what a little glue and some tinsel can do for you! I topped the entire outfit off with a Christmas lights hair bow that I borrowed from my 5-yr old cousin and some knee high "I Heart Santa" socks! I don't know what everyone was making a big deal about...I wear this outfit all the time! :)
In case you are wondering, you too can have your very own Christmas Tree sweater for the introductory low, low price of ONLY $19.95! Place your order now to guarantee delivery by Christmas Eve! :)
We also had to bring a White Elephant gift to share with everyone. I was under the impression that this meant really awful gag gifts, however, I must have been mistaken because mostly everything was pretty decent. I chose to bring my empty toothpaste container, toothbrush and contacts holder. I felt really bad when all the gifts were being opened and everyone had usable gifts, then came mine! Aah! There also wasn't a whole lot of stealing gifts, people were being really nice. I first stole someone's Santa Claus Mr. Potato Head, then someone traded the iPod speakers they had gotten for the Mr. Potato Head. So in the end I went home with a small set of iPod speakers. Luckily we had some people leave early so the person who received my awful gift was able to trade and get something better. What a relief!
BTW- notice who has FINALLY joined this century and is able to immediately post pictures from a digital camera. That would be ME! I finally broke down and bought a little FujiFilm FinePix digital camera so I can carry it around with me easily and not have to wait for my film to be developed.
Love it! Hey I didn't know you were late in joining this century too! I was only waiting for an affordable digital SLR though and got it a couple yeas ago! WOW! Can't believe you held out that long! Coming home for Christmas?? Wear the sweater! haha
The first thing I thought when I read this was, "Oh boy! We did decide to exchange homemade gifts this year...I hope Michelle didn't get my name!" LOL!
And that is too funny about your gifts for the white elephant gift exchange! I'm sure everyone there thought it was too.
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