Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I'm FREE!!!

Today officially ended my first semester at UCDavis and without question I am elated! I have conquered organic chemistry (we'll see how well when grades come out) and am very happy to be saying that I am moving on. If you ever want to torture someone for fun give them a semester, or two, or three, in organic chemistry.

If that was not enough for me to be doing I also started my job yesterday with the research lab. You remember the one I mentioned TWO MONTHS AGO! The wait is finally over and all the paperwork signed and dated for me to start just in time for finals and leaving on holiday next week (I like to refer to a vacation as going on holiday because I think it sounds cool when the Brits say it). :) The day went well and after two months of frustration I have a renewed excitement about this job. It is actually very cool work that I will be doing with DNA and cancer research. I was slightly nervous because I wasn't sure about how my experience, or what I thought was lack there of, would fit in with everyone else. But it turns out I am in the same position as everyone else when they started and may even have more experience than some did in the beginning. So my nerves were put to ease and I am ready to move forward.

I also started a little babysitting gig that I will be doing for a bit on Monday(s). It is just one day a week while the parents are at work, but it will definitely be good for a little extra spending cash. My other job is only two days a week for right now. The little girl I am sitting for is ~17mos. and as cute as can be. She would warm up to me and we would play and then all of a sudden she would realize she didn't know me that well and shy away (actually she would scream hysterically). I thought it was kinda funny how she would do this. It made for an exhausting day but I will get used to it, probably just in time for something else to come up. That's how it always seems to work out, right?!

Things have certainly come together this week, but I am really excited about coming home next week. I will be heading east on the 19th, so I can't wait to see everyone!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Yay! Congrats! See you soon!