Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Incredible Shrinking Woman

Well as odd as it sounds apparently I am shrinking! My shoes don't fit! It is causing a bit of a crisis seeing as I LOVE SHOES! I have managed to drop 3-5 pounds (depending on what time of day I weigh myself) but I certainly don't think that is enough to affect my shoe size. The only logical explanation I have come up with is that because of the lack of humidity my feet have shrunk and my shoes have remained the same. I never thought my feet were swollen, actually I have always had problems finding shoes because they are so narrow, but I guess maybe they were swollen just enough to have affected my shoe size. How bizarre!!


Anonymous said...

Aw that's the cutest thing I have ever heard! I'm proud of you for losing weight though, go you! I think the whole shoe thing is really odd though, but it makes perfect since! Hope your doing good, love ya!

Jill said...

I think the humidity thing is a good explanation too. Definitely is true of me and my rings..Why not feet?