Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy Pi Day!

...and I'm not referring to the the yummy apple kind! For all my other obsure math people today is Pi Day (3/14). While there is not a Pi Dance maybe I will have some pie! *wink**wink*

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Here's to the double XX!

...chromosomes that is not the beer! It's International Women's Day! Yay to being a woman!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mobile Blog! Hi all, I'm coming to you from my phone, how exciting! Look for more posts to come!

Happy Square Root Day!

Happy Square Root Day folks! Being somewhat of an obscure person, I like to celebrate the totally obscure and slightly mundane things in life, so in that fashion I am celebrating Square Root Day today. I have taken off work and everything (actually I took off work for a rainy field trip to the zoo, but let's pretend) so at exactly 3:39PM (that's west coast time) I will be doing my Square Root Dance! I am not certain yet how the Square Root Dance goes but I'll be doing one and I invite you to dance with me. Since I know you must be dying for more info. about Square Root Day you can find that here.

Celebrate well, for there won't be another one until 2016!
Happy Day!


The Square Root Dance was a success! It turned out something like the Cabbage Patch mixed with the Carlton (from Fresh Prince of Bel Air days)!