Monday, July 30, 2007

Once Upon A Time...

In yet another sleepless night I found myself watching a cake decorating contest on the Food Network. This time the theme was Disney Princesses, and the contestants had to create their cake so that it would best represent one of five characters. There was Cinderella, of course, Snow White, Belle, Jasmine, and Arial. As I watched I found myself in a very philosophical and insightful debate, with myself of course, as to which character was my favorite and why?. Ultimately it came down between Princess Jasmine and Aerial, but in the end Aerial won. The reason that I decided was because I felt like Aerial was represented as the most independent of all the princesses. She is the only one that the story line does not completely revolve around being rescued by Prince Charming, because what she was really looking for was to be able to live above sea and the Prince happened into the picture. Anyone who knows me i'm sure finds this line of reasoning suits me because I have never been one who wants to sit around and wait for Mr. Right. Don't get me wrong I do occasionally find myself "wishing upon a star" for my prince to come along. To quote one of my favorite movies "Maybe prince charming will show up [again] someday. Somewhere unexpected." -Rizzo, from Grease. I mean who doesn't want their "happily ever after?"
Who is your favorite Disney Princess, take the poll.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Set the Date

Well it is official, I will be leaving for Sacramento on Sept. 14th!! Mom, dad, and I are going to be driving out with most of my belongings that day and then they will be flying back to Texas on the 18th of Sept. I still have to find a job and a place to live, but other than that it's set!! HaHa!!
At church this morning Dr. Wallace preached of open doors and using those opportunities that God has provided for us. I have been making an effort to really place my trust in God "openning doors" for me to make it to California and while I am there and really feel that this has been an opportunity that I just can't turn my back on. I truly believe that one of the reasons I have had such a hard time finding a job in my field (in Texas) was because that is just not what He had in store for me and His true vision for me is yet to come.

On another note I finished reading Sense and Sensibility last night. I have never read any of Jane Austin's novels, so I decided this would be the summer. I found a book that has 6 or 7 of her complete works in one big book, so that is what I am making my way through. I have really enjoyed the first one and am looking forward to Pride and Prejudice next. Her style of writing is so eloquent and I like the style of writing from that time period. I have caught myself thinking in the dialect from that era and have to laugh! This week starts shark week on the Discovery channel though, so I probably won't get very much reading done.

I am also going to be babysitting for my cousin's two boys this week so that ought to be an adventure!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Taking it Off

I have never been much of a Glamour reader (more of a Cosmo girl), but in my quest to lose a few pounds I have discovered they have some pretty good tips. From meal ideas, to workout plans there is a little info. for everything on trying to shed a few. Of course it does require me to actually do the workouts in order for them to work, funny how that works! I did indeed workout today though and feel much better. Strange how moving around will actually give you energy rather than taking it out of you. I have to start looking good if I am to compete with all the "plastics" out in Cali.!!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Idle Hands

So in my maddening boredom I have discovered the M&Ms website. Being my favorite candy and all I thought it might be fun to create my own character. Good luck being able to register the character, but creating it is still mildly fun. Check out the poll at the bottom, What's your favorite color?

Friday, July 20, 2007


Feeling creative and inspired by cousin Jill, felt it was great idea for me to create a blog for myself. Starting a new adventure this summer by moving to Cali. in Sept., therefore am naming this blog according. Hope to be sharing more news, pictures, and fun as I learn more about what I'm doing with this thing. :) Moving on...